Toupgradeour service quality on theinternationalstandards.

• Toprovideguestexpectations at thehighestlevelandto be theleadingorganization in thesector.

• Createestablishmentphilosophywithall of ourstaff, continuousimprovement, confidence in theworkplaceandprovide service thatexceedstheexpectations of ourguests.

• To be an exemplarybusinesstoallotherorganizations in ourcountryandcreatevalue .

• Topreventtheseaccidentsbyreducingthe minimum level of alltherisksthatmayendangerourguests’ andourstaffs’ bothhealth, life safetyandalsojobsafety .

• Makemeasurablequality, ensurecontinuousimprovement of thesystemand (ensure) theunity of ouremployeesandmanagementbyidentifyingtargets.

• Createenvironmentalawarenesswithstaff as a hotel, leavemoreclean, healthyandsafeenvironmenttothenextgeneration .

• Withallemployeesadopt ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 qualitystandards, fulfilltherequirementsandenabletheapplication of theneedforstandardstosuppliersandsubcontractorsweworkwith, developtogether.

Environmental Sustainability Policy

At PineValley, sustainable, responsiblebehavior is a priority. Wearecommittedtopursuing a triple-bottomlineapproach of environmental, financialandsocialresponsibility. Byfindinginnovativewaysto do morewithless, weaimtodrivesustainabilityeffortsandbuildresilienceintoourproperties in ordertocontinuepositivelyimpactingthecommunities in whichweoperate.

Weactivelyworktoreducetheenvironmentalimpact of and risk toourbusinessbyfocusing on criticalareasincludingcarbonemissions, energy, food&beverage, indoorenvironmentalquality, supplychain, wasteandwater. Additionally, wearecommittedtointegratingleadingenvironmentalpracticesandsustainabilityprinciplesaimed at:

 Conservingnaturalresources

 Protectingecosystembiodiversity

 Drivingsustainabledevelopment

 Minimizingwasteandpollution

 Establishingandreporting on keyenvironmentalperformanceindicators

 Raisingenvironmentalawarenessamongourassociates, guestsandcommunities

Weacknowledgethatachievingourgoalsandobjectiveswillrequiremanychangesto be madeover time. Howeverwestronglybelievethatoursustainabilityeffortsservetheinterests of bothcurrentandfuturegenerationsandconstitutethefoundationforlong-lastingsuccess.

Formoreinformation on PineValley’sEnvironmentalSustainabilityprograms, pleasecontact gm@hotelpinevalley.com

Code of Working Conditions and Human Rights

Non-Discrimination and Harassment

It is the policy of Hotel Pine Valley to attract and retain the best qualified people available without regard to race, colour, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or veteran status. Our non-discrimination policy applies to applicants as well as employees and covers all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, transfers, promotions, terminations, compensation and benefits. Discrimination or harassment based on any of the above factors is prohibited, as is retaliation against a person who has made a complaint or given information regarding possible violations of this policy.

Freedom of Association

We recognize and respect employee rights to join or not join any lawful organization of their own choosing. We are committed to complying with laws pertaining to freedom of association, privacy and collective bargaining.

Environment, Health and Safety

We are committed to providing employees with a safe and healthful workplace, protecting the environment wherever we conduct business and striving for excellence in safety, health and environment stewardship.

Work Environment and Compensation

We are committed to promoting a work environment that fosters communication, productivity, creativity, teamwork, and employee engagement. We seek to provide employees with compensation and benefits that are fair and equitable for the type of work and geographic location (local market) where the work is being performed, and competitive with other companies.

Hours of Work and Work Scheduling

Each department establishes work shifts and schedules as appropriate to meet business needs and to comply with applicable laws and/or collective bargaining agreements.